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By B. S. Kamps et al.

  5088 Journals,
  sorted by

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Infectious Diseases

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Top 20
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  The Top 60 Journals
 February 2013

(n): free after n months

Rank Impact factor + Journal
1. 59,558 New England Journal of Medicine (6)
2. 19,697 BMJ (British Medical Journal) (Free)
3. 8,736 Clinical Infectious Diseases (12)
4. 10,103 Brain: a Journal of Neurology (12)
5. 2,232 International Journal of Medical Sciences (Free)
6. 5,196 Pediatrics (12)
7. 8,784 Diabetes (12)
8. 8,005 BMC Medicine (Free)
9. 6,294 Hypertension (12)
10. 5,920 Mayo Clinic Proceedings (6)
11. 12,575 Journal of Clinical Investigation (Free)
12. 5,693 Heart (36)
13. 5,924 Journal of Neuroscience (6)
14. 6,344 Journal of Infectious Diseases (12)
15. 5,531 Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (12)
16. 5,656 Obstetrics and Gynecology (12)
17. 3,740 Journal of Nutrition (12)
18. 8,569 Annals of Surgery (Free)
19. 5,264 Anesthesiology (6)
20. 4,950 Critical Care (Free)
21. 6,541 Physiology (12)
22. 5,940 Chest (12)
23. 17,047 Circulation (12)
24. 6,994 Emerging Infectious Diseases (Free)
25. 6,833 Circulation: Heart Failure (12)
26. 8,556 Cancer Research (12)
27. 131,723 CA: a Cancer Journal for Clinicians (Free)
28. 6,724 Canadian Medical Association Journal : Journal de l'Association Medicale Canadienne (12)
29. 6,798 Radiology (12)
30. 8,934 Diabetes Care (12)
31. 13,505 American Journal of Psychiatry (12)
32. 3,127 Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (12)
33. 2,799 Physical Therapy (12)
34. 2,787 World Journal of Gastroenterology (Free)
35. none Archives of Surgery (12)
36. 7,060 British Journal of Psychiatry (12)
37. 0,137 Journal of Neurological Sciences (Free)
38. 5,197 Alzheimer's Research and Therapy (Free)
39. 4,159 Endocrinology (12)
40. 17,759 Journal of the American College of Cardiology (12)
41. 3,827 Anesthesia and Analgesia (12)
42. 13,585 PLoS Medicine (Free)
43. 8,491 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (12)
44. 3,631 Journal of Clinical Microbiology (6)
45. 2,229 International Journal of Infectious Diseases (12)
46. 8,121 Thorax (Free)
47. 2,180 BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (Free)
48. 1,767 Journal of the American Dental Association (12)
49. 6,335 Allergy (24)
50. 4,051 Nutrition Research Reviews (12)
51. 20,982 Journal of Clinical Oncology (12)
52. 2,935 Journal of Biomedical Science (Free)
53. 11,841 Blood (12)
54. 5,616 British Journal of Anaesthesia (12)
55. 1,792 Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine (Free)
56. none Journal of Physical Therapy Science (Free)
57. 20,205 World Psychiatry (Free)
58. 15,064 European Heart Journal (12)
59. 5,649 Cancer (12)
60. 34,661 Science (12)


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